How to Log Laravel Exceptions to Slack Using Laravel's Built-in Slack Channel

How to Log Laravel Exceptions to Slack Using Laravel's Built-in Slack Channel

Exception handling is a crucial part of any application. It allows developers to identify and resolve issues promptly. Laravel, a popular PHP framework, provides built-in support for logging exceptions. Integrating this with Slack can streamline your error monitoring process, allowing you or your team to stay informed and responsive. In this blog, we'll walk through setting up exception logging in Slack via Laravel's built-in Slack channel.

Configure Slack for webhook URL:

To access your Slack workspace, first locate its name and click on it. Then, navigate to the "Tools & Settings" option. Within this menu, find and select "Manage Apps" under the Administration section.


Type incomming webhook in the search bar.


Click "Add to Slack" button.


In the subsequent screen, you'll have the option to either select an existing channel or create a new one. Choose accordingly before clicking on "Add Incoming Webhooks Integration".


Once you click on "Add Incoming Webhooks Integration," you'll be redirected to the next screen where you'll find the webhook URL. Simply copy this URL, scroll down and click "Save Settings"


Configure Laravel application:

Open your .env file and add the webhook URL:


You can log to Slack via two ways.

Via .env

Set the LOG_CHANNEL to "slack" in your .env file.


Via Facade

In your application code, you can manually log exceptions using the Log facade.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

try {
    // Your code that may throw exceptions
} catch (\Exception $exception) {

Let's see the scenarios where using  (.env) for logging to Slack is advantageous and when manual logging via the Log facade is more appropriate.

Use Environment Variables (LOG_CHANNEL=slack) When:

  • Global Configuration: When you want to apply the same Slack logging configuration to your entire application without modifying your codebase, using environment variables simplifies management and ensures uniformity in logging behavior across different environments.

Use Log Facade (Log::channel('slack')->error()) When:

  • Dynamic Configuration: If you need to log exceptions or messages selectively based on specific conditions or events within your application, using the Log facade allows for dynamic control over logging behavior, enabling you to tailor logging actions precisely where they are needed.


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