How To View File Change History
When working on a project managed with Git, we often need to view the history of changes made to a specific file. This can be crucial for tracking changes. Git provides some powerful commands to review the change history of files.
1. Using Git Blame
git blame
is a Git command that displays each line of a file with annotations on the last commit and author that modified the line, helping to identify who made specific changes.
git blame <file_path>
2. Using Git Log
Basic Usage:
This is a Git command used to display the commit history of a repository or a file, showing detailed information like the commit ID, author, date, and message.
git log <file_path>
Simplified History:
The simplified history displays a concise, one-line summary for each commit made to a specific file. This format includes the commit hash and the commit message, offering a quick and readable overview of the file's change history.
git log --oneline <file_path>
Detailed History:
This is My favorite Git command for viewing file history. This command not only shows the chronological commit history but also includes the specific changes (diff) made in each commit. It's incredibly useful for understanding not just when and by whom changes were made, but exactly what those changes were. This level of detail is invaluable for debugging.
git log -p <file_path>